Cum poate o femeie de succes ca Rihanna sa continue o relatie cu un om care a batut-o in asemenea hal? Cum poti sa uiti si sa ierti ca te-a amenintat cu moartea, ca ti-a dat nu stiu cati pumni si te-a lasat eventual si cu rani care o sa-ti aminteasca de acest eveniment toata viata?

Un om ca acesta nu se schimba niciodata, daca te-a lovit acum, fii sigura ca o sa te loveasca si in viitor.

Daca ati patit si voi astfel de lucruri, nu continuati asa. Cereti ajutor si plecati de langa monstrii ca astia.

Doar un paragraf din articol, daca nu aveti rabdare sa-l cititi pe tot:
“Brown held Robyn F close to him and bit her on her left hear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of [address] and Robyn F turned off the car removed the key from inignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F left and right carotid arteries causing her to be unable to breath. She began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began to attempting to gauge his eyes in attempt to flee herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and released her. While brown continued to punch her she turned around a place her back to against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest and placed her feet against Brown,s body and began pushing him away.”

Nu vreau sa pun imaginea cu Rihanna, care a circulat pe internet si a aparut in toate ziarele. Si sper sa nu fie adevarat ca s-a maritat cu omul asta…ar fi prea ingrozitor. Rihanna reprezinta un model pentru tinerele fete si nu trebuie sa transmita mai departe un mesaj gresit.

1 Comment on De necrezut

  1. Am vazut si eu pe undeva ca s-au impacat. Mi se pare, intr-adevar, un gest de nebunie temporara, pentru ca sper din toata inima sa nu fie reala informatia, sau sper doar sa fie o chestie momentana. Altfel, o sa riste sa ajunga precum Tina Turner cu sotul ei, Ike, si ar fi groaznic.. 😐

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