Pentru examenul de Publicitate am avut de invatat aceasta lista de termeni media, foarte folositoare de altfel, cu mentiunea ca se ofera un bonus pentru retinerea definitiilor in limba engleza. Spre surprinderea mea, parca a fost mai usor sa invat acesti termeni in engleza decat in romana – de aceea va recomand si voua sa incercati intai in engleza.
Definitiile sunt preluate de pe site-uri de specialitate de catre colegii mei, eu doar le mentionez aici si incerc sa pun ambele variante (in engleza si in romana).
1. Accordian insert
An ad inserted in a magazine, folded with an accordion-style fold.
Reclama inserata intr-o revista, impaturita in stil de acordeon.
2. Advertising page exposure
Number of times the reader of a publication has the opportunity to see a print advertisement, whether or not he/she actually sees it.
3. Advertorial
Large advertisement deliberately styled to look like the editorial (non-advertisement) matter of a newspaper or magazine in which it appears. Its television equivalent is ‘infomercial.
Un hibrid intre publicitate si jurnalism intalnit mai ales in reviste. Clientul plateste echipa editoriala sa scrie un articol ce ii prezinta produsul in stilul acelei reviste in speranta de a induce asupra acelui produs/serviciu valorile revistei.
4. Affirmative disclosure
Revelation of information that may be damaging to the one revealing it, such as admission of limitation(s) in an offer or product by an advertiser.
O parte din informatia continuta de o reclama, care este inclusa la cererea unei autoritati (CNA, de exemplu), fara a se tine cont de firma care face publicitate. Aceasta parte de informatie deseori atrage atentia asupra unor limitari ale produsului sau ale ofertei facute in reclama.
5. Agate line (agate)
US measure of printing and advertising space. In printing, one agate equals 5.14 points. In advertising, one column-inch is divided into 14 agate lines, each equal to 1.81 millimeter or 0.07 of an inch. See also Milline rate.
Spatiu de publicitate intr-un ziar de 14 inch pe 1 inch, adesea denumita simplu “linie”. O alternativa mai putin folosita la masurile “coloanelor inch” de afisare a spatiului de media. 14 agate lines = 1 inch pe o coloana( a se vedea SCC, SCI).
6. Audilog – diary for recording television viewing habits
A diary kept by selected audience members to record which television programs they watched, used as a means of calculating television program ratings.
7. Bait/ Bait and switch advertising – scheme to tempt buyers
A tactic used in sales in which buyers are tempted by an advertised bargain but are then persuaded to buy a more expensive item instead.
8. Bleed – something that overruns printed page
1. An illustration or piece of text printed in such a way that part of it is cut off the page. 2. Printing industry term for a page on which the printed (inked) area does not have the usual blank (inkless) margins. In all printing processes, a narrow space must be left along the paper’s edges for it to be gripped, and to prevent printing ink/toner from going on the ink-free/toner-free parts of the machine. Bleed printing is more expensive where it requires oversized printing plates and/or paper (from which inkless margins are trimmed off to leave only the inked part).
O reclama tiparita care depaseste marginea paginii. Are un pret de rate card mare, desi poate fi diminuat prin negocieri.
9. Buried position
Placement of an advertisement, announcement, or news, deep in the clutter of other printed matter in a publication, that makes it difficult to be noticed.
Plasarea unei reclame intre alte reclame dintr-o publicatie, astfel incat ea este greu de observat.
10. Cease-and-desist order
Order issued by the federal trade commission to stop a particular advertising practice or unfair method of competing that the commission feels is in violation of any of the acts that govern commerce and that fall under the agency’s jurisdiction.
11. Claymation (SYN. trademark)
A service mark for an animated motion-picture process using clay figurines that are moved and filmed so as to create lifelike imagery and motion.
Metoda de animatie care foloseste figurine de lut.
12. Collectibles
Rare, valuable items such as antiques, art, books, coins, acquired for their value as an investment. This value rises in inflationary times and falls in deflationary times.
Un tip de recompensa pe care consumatorii ar dori sa o primeasca pentru a completa o colectie mai mare de bunuri similare.
13. Column inch (colum centimeter)
Unit of measure in which advertising space is sold in most of the world. Each unit is one column wide and one centimeter high. Width of the column, which may vary from one publication to another, remains unchanged within a publication. In the US, column-inch unit is used which is one column wide and one inch high. The standard US column width is 2 1/16 inch.
14. Combination rate – rate for advertising in multiple publications
1. A rate that a publisher charges advertisers for advertising in more than one of its publications. 2. Reduced rate offered to advertisers for placing advertising in two or more publications owned by the same publisher. In order to take advantage of a combination rate, the advertisement must be the same for all publications in terms of copy and size, and the individual publications must be bought at the same time or within the same 24-hour period. Combination rate advertising appears most frequently in a morning and evening edition of the same paper or morning and evening editions of newspapers under the same ownership.
Un discount oferit agentiilor care cumpara spatii in doua sau mai multe publicatii ale aceluiasi trust.
15. Cooperative advertising
1. Agreement between a manufacturer and a member of distribution chain (distributor, wholesaler, or retailer) under which the manufacturer shares a certain percentage of the member’s advertising and promotion costs, or contributes a fixed sum. 2. Agreement between two or more marketers with complementary products (such as cosmetics and toiletries) or different seasonal sales cycles (such as raincoats and winter coats) to promote or sell each other’s products with their own. Also called cooperative marketing or co-marketing.
16. Cost per inquiry (CPI)
Standard unit of cost used in direct response marketing, computed by dividing total promotional cost with the number of inquiries generated. 2. Mathematical calculation of the promotion costs divided by the number of inquiries received. The cpi is used to evaluate the relative performance of a promotion. A promotion begins to be profitable at the point revenue expected from inquiry conversions equals or exceeds promotion costs.
Costul necesar pentru a face o persoana sa se intereseze de produsul sau serviciul companiei. Acest standard e folosit in advertisingul cu raspuns direct.
17. Counter advertising
Advertising that takes a position contrary to an advertising message that preceded it. Such advertising may be used to take an opposing position on a controversial topic, or to counter an impression that might be made by another party’s advertising.
Advertising platit de grupuri de presiune care apar in opozitie cu anumite produse.
18. Cumes (acronim cumulative audience)
Number of unduplicated individuals or households reached by (or exposed to) an advertising medium (broadcast or print) over a specified period. Also called accumulated audience, cumulative reach, Reach, net unduplicated audience, or unduplicated audience. {Cumes – An abbreviation for net cumulative audience. Refers to the number of unduplicated people or homes in a broadcast program’s audience within a specified time period. This term is used by A.C. Nielsen. It also is used by many advertising practitioners to refer to the unduplicated audience of a print vehicle, or an entire media schedule.}
Abreviere pentru audienta cumulativa neta. Se refera la numarul de persoane sau case in audienta unui canal de difuziune pe o perioada de timp. Termen folosit de A.C. Nielsen. Termenul este folosit si de multi practicieni de advertising cu referire la audienta nedublata a unui canal mediatic tiparit sau a intregului program mediatic.
Refers to a process of establishing goals for an ad campaign such that it is possible to determine whether or not the goals have been met. It stands for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results.
Acronim pentru Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results (definirea obiectivelor de advertising pentru rezultatele masurate de advertising), dupa titlul unei carti de Russell H. Colley (New York: Association of National Advertisers, 1961).
20. Double truck
Wide advertisement that spreads over two facing pages.
21. Drive time
In radio broadcasting, the morning and afternoon hours during which the listeners are commuting. Generally, it is considered to be from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Calupurile publicitare de dimineata si seara care se dau la radio, numite asa pentru ca sunt in perioada in care oamenii se duc/intorc la/de la serviciu. Modelele de ascultare a radioului tind sa fie complementare celor TV, cu audiente mai mari in timpul diminetii decat in timpul serii.
22. Earned rate – discounted advertising price
A price for advertisements that includes discounts for volume and frequency.
23. Em
Unit of relative distance in typography, one em being equivalent to the point size of the type. In 8 point type, an em is 8 point wide; in 9 point type, 9 point wide; in 10 point type, 10 point wide … and so on. So named because traditionally it is defined as the width of a capital (uppercase) letter ‘M’ in the face and point of type being used.
24. Exposure
Degree to which an audience (readers, listeners, viewers, visitors to a website) is in receipt of a promotional message.
25. Flat rate
Service charge or advertising rate where no discount is offered to repeat customers or volume buyers.
Pret pentru canalele mediatice care nu permite nici o reducere.
26. Fringe time
Period that precedes or follows prime time.
Perioada de timp care precede direct si care urmeaza imediat dupa prime time, in televiziune.
27. Full position
Placement of a print advertisement in which it is surrounded by reading (editorial) matter.
Print care este inconjurat de articole intr-un ziar, lucru care face mai probabila citirea lui. Este un spatiu extram de dezirabil pentru un print.
28. Gatefold
One or more large pages that are inserted and folded to fit the page size of a publication. The gatefold must be opened or unfolded in order to read the content. Vehicle manufacturers often use gatefolds in automobile magazines to advertise new models.
O macheta de presa care se impatureste. Acorda unui advertiser cel putin 2 pagini succesive din acelasi spatiu publicitar. De obieci este atasta la coperta a II-a. Poate fi, de asemenea, un leaf impaturit care se desface intr-un print.
29. Gross impressions
Total number of unduplicated people or households represented by a given media schedule.
Numarul toatal, fara dubluri, de oameni sau de locuinte pe care ii reprezinta un anumit program mediatic.
30. Holding power
Ability of a radio or television program to keep the audience from switching the channel or station, expressed as the percentage of total audience.
Abilitatea de a tine audienta pe un canal. Reprezentata ca procent din audienta totala.
31. Hot composition
A method of typesetting that uses molten metal to form the letters for a typeface. 2. automated composition technique that utilizes a machine to create properly spaced metal type in one complete line at a time. This solves some of the problems of manual composition, such as the storage, retrieval, and composition of individual type slugs. Hot type is melted down after use rather than returned to storage. It is used for newspapers, print advertisements, business forms, and all types of promotions. Hot type is not as versatile as computerized composition because word breaks at the end of each line must be operator controlled. There are two types of hot-type composition. Monotype systems create individual slugs of metal type for each character or space. Linecasting machines create a solid line of metal type.
32. Inquires
Preliminary response from prospective customers, generally following an advertisement or sales promotion campaign. Number of inquiries (and their conversion into sales revenue) is a measure of the effectiveness of a firm’s marketing efforts. Also spelled as enquiry.
33. Intaglio
In the various intaglio printing methods, the area of the image to be printed is recessed into the surface of the printing plate and the recessed areas are filled with ink. The incised image may be etched, engraved with chemicals or tools. The image to be printed is incised into the plates, the incisions filled with ink, and excess ink wiped from the plates. Heavy pressure is applied to transfer the ink from the plates to the paper, leaving the surface slightly raised and the back side slightly indented.
Forma de tiparire pe o suprafata neplana.
34. Kerning
Adjustment of space between certain characters in a line of text, using their natural shape and slope to improve their appearance. Without kerning, several letter combinations (such as WA and VA) can look awkward and may impede smooth flow of eye movement along the text. Kerning becomes more important in italic types, and as the size of the font increases (such as in headlines). Modern desktop publishing programs (such Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Indesign, and Quark’Xpress) allow both automatic and manual kerning. Simultaneous adjustment of space between many letters in a piece of text is called range kerning. See also letter spacing and tracking.
Spatiu intre literele unui cuvant.
35. Linage (alta scriere pt. lineage.)
Total number of lines in a classified advertisement used in its costing. It is computed by multiplying column width of the ad by the number of lines per column. For example, a three column by 90 line ad will have a lineage of 270. Also spelled as linage.
Se refera la marimea unei reclame, masurata in numarul de linii tehnoredactate dupa o reclama.
36. Loss leader
Good or service advertised and sold at below cost price. Its purpose is to bring in (lead) customers in the retail store (usually a supermarket) on the assumption that, once inside the store, the customers will be stimulated to buy full priced items as well. See also price leader.
Produs oferit spre vanzare la costul de achizitie/de fabricatie (sau chiar in pierdere) – in scopul sporirii traficului unui magazin. V. produs de atractie.
37. Media concentration theory
The idea that for an advertising message to be effective, it must be continually carried before the public.
38. Media dominance theory
Technique of scheduling media that involves buying a large amount of space in one medium, and shifting to another medium after achieving optimum coverage and frequency.
39. Near-pack
An item offered free or at a discount with the purchase of another product. The item can be positioned close to but may not touch the purchased product. A type of product promotion.
Promovare a vanzarilor in care cadoul va fi ridicat de cumparatorii unui anumit produs din alta locatie din acelasi magazin.
40. Open end
(1) Time left at the end of a commercial or program which is provided for the use of local advertising or station identification. (2) A radio or television program with no specific time to end.
1) Timp ramas la sfasitul unei reclame sau program, careeste folosit pentru advertising local sau pentru indentificarea postului. (2) O emisiune radio sau tv care nu are durata fixa.
41. Out-of-home advertising
Exposure to advertising and mass media away from one’s home. Included are outdoor, point-of-purchase, and radio.
Expunerea la advertising si mass media in afara casei. Inclusiv reclamele outdoor, punctele de cumparare si radio.
42. Overrun
Additional numbers of a print vehicle that are produced in excess of those needed for distribution. Overruns may take place to meet unexpected needs or demands.
Numarul aditional de copii produse in exces de un aparat de printare, pe langa cele necesare pentru distribuire. Overrun-urile pot aparea pentru comenzi suplimentare.
43. Pass-along readers
A reader which becomes familiar with a publication without the purchase of a publication. These readers are taken into account when calculating the total number of readers of a publication.
Cititorii unei publicatii, altii decat cumparatorii propriu-zisi sau celor carora li se adreseaza o publicatie gratuita.
44. Phantom
An illustration showing the exterior of an object as if it were transparent, while revealing interior detailing.
O ilustratie care arata exteriorul unui obiect ca si cum ar fi transparent, aratand interiorul.
45. Piggyback
(1) A direct mail offer that is included free with another offer. (2) Two commercials which are shown back-to-back by the same sponsor.
Sistem de transport care necesita transferarea cantainerelor din camion in tren
46. Preferred position
A position in a printed publication that is thought to attract most reader attention and is sold at a higher rate; for example, the back cover of a magazine.
O pozitie intr-o publicatie despre care se crede ca atrage atentia majoritatii cititorilor si care este vanduta la o rata mai mare, de exemplu, coperta din spate a unei reviste.
47. Private brand
Product brand owned by a retailer, wholesaler, dealer, or merchant, as opposed to a manufacturer or producer, and bearing it’s own company name or another name it owns exclusively. Also referred to as Private label.
Un brand detinut de un wholesaler sau retailer, numit si si eticheta personala.
48. Progresive proofs (Progs)
Set of proofs made during the four-color printing process which shows each color plate separately and in combination. Also referred to as Color proofs.
Set de urme facute in timpul procesului de printare in 3 culori, care arata fiecare culoare separat si in combinatii.
49. Puffery
A legal exaggeration of praise lavished on a product that stops just short of deception.
O practica legitima de a face evidente afirmatiile exagerate din advertising,e.g “cleaner than clean”.
50. Rating point
(1) In television, one percentage of all TV households who are viewing a particular station at a given time. (2) In radio, one percentage of all listeners who are listening to a particular station at a given time. Both instances vary depending on time of day.
Puncte de rating reprezinta procentul din totalul impresiilor audientei tinta disponibila, care este reusit de catre un mijloc de media.
51. Remnant Space
Discounted magazine space which is sold to help fill regional editions of the publication.
Spatiu dintr-o publicatie, aflat la reducere, care este vandut pentru a ajuta la completarea editiilor regionale ale publicatiei.
52. Renewal Rate
The percentage of individuals that renew their print media subscriptions to extend beyond the previous expiration date.
Procentajul de indivizi care isi reinnoiesc abonamentele la printuri media care se exind peste data de expiarare.
53. Road Block
A method of scheduling broadcast commercials to obtain maximum reach by simultaneously showing the identical advertisement on several different stations.
O metoda de stabilire a unui program pentru reclame pentru a obtine audienta maxima prin difuzarea simultana a aceleiasi reclame pe mai multe posturi.
54. Rotoscoping
The process of using live and animated characters within an advertisement.
Procesul de a folosi personaje vii sau animate intr-un advertisement.
55. Run-of-press (ROP)
A newspaper publisher’s option to place an ad anywhere in the publication that they choose, as opposed to Preferred position. Also referred to as Run-of paper.
Optiunea unui editor de ziar de a plasa un ad oriunde aleg in publicatie, in opozitie cu Preferred position.
56. Run-of-schedule (ROS)
A station’s option to place a commercial in any time slot that they choose.
Optiunea unui post de a plasa o reclama in orice segment de timp doresc.
57. Seasonal rating adjustaments (Seasonality)
The variation in sales for goods and services throughout the year, depending on the season, e.g. hot chocolate is advertised more in the winter, as opposed to summer months.
In media(radio si tv), modificarile de rating care reflecta schimbarile dintr-un, e.g. starea vremii si vacantele.
58. Slicks
A high-quality proof of an advertisement printed on glossy paper which is suited for reproduction.
O dovada a unui ad, de calitate exceptionala, printata pe hartie lucioasa si care este potrivit pentru reproducere.
59. Speculative (spec) Sample
A sample promotional product, with the prospective buyer’s imprint on it, produced with the hope that the customer will purchase it.
Un produs monstra, promotional, cu marca potentialului cumparator , produs in speranta ca clientul il va cumpara.
60. Split Run
Two or more different forms of an advertisement which are ran simultaneously in different copies of the same publication, used to test the effectiveness of one advertisement over another to appeal to regional or other specific markets.
Are loc atunci and rulezi o reclama in distributia unui mijloc media si alta reclama, de obicei pentru aceeasi companie, la sfarsitul distributiei. Adesea folosit in advertising-ul cu raspuns direct pentru a testa eficacitatea a 2 oferte diferite, tehnici sau mijloace creative. Aceasta metoda este folosita si in media pan-regionala pentru a oferi flexibilitate geografica.
61. Staggered Schedule
A schedule of advertisements in a number of periodicals which have different insertion dates.
Un program al reclamelor intr-un numar de perioade care au date de insertie diferite.
62. Stop Motion
A photographic technique in which inanimate objects appear to move.
O tehnica fotografica in care obiectele neanimate par sa se miste.
63. Superimposition (Super)
A process in TV production where an image, words, or phrases are imposed over another image.
64. Swatch Proof
A sample of the material for a promotional product, with the customer’s artwork printed on it in the specified colors.
65. Tag Line
A slogan or phrase that visually conveys the most important product attribute or benefit that the advertiser wishes to convey. Generally, a theme to a campaign.
Un slogan sau fraza care exprima vizual cel mai important atribut sau beneficiu al produsului, pe care advertiserul vrea sa-l transmita. In general, o tema a campaniei.
66. Tear Sheets
A page cut from a magazine or newspaper that is sent to the advertiser as proof of the ad insertion. Also used to check color reproduction of advertisements.
O pagina taiata dintr-o revista sau ziar care este trimis advertiserului ca dovada a insertiei ad-ului. De asemenea, folosita pentru verificarea reproducerii culorii reclamelor.
67. Traffic Builder
A promotional tactic using direct mail. Designed to draw consumers to the mailer’s location.
Obiectul cu pretul cel mai mic dintr-o linie de productie. Vezi Prestige Builder, Product Line.
68. Unique Selling Proposition
The unique product benefit that the competition can not claim.
Calitatea, beneficiul sau trasatura specifica a unui produs pe care nu o poate oferi nici un competitor. Folosit uzual sub forma de USP.
69. Vertical Publications
Publications whose editorial content deals with the interests of a specific industry, e.g., National Petroleum Magazine and Retail Baking Today.
Publicatii ale caror continut se confrunta cu interesele anumitei industrii, de exemplu National Petroleum Magazine (revista petrolului national) sau Retail Banking Today.
70. Voice-pitch Analysis (VOPAN)
An advertising research technique of analyzing a subject’s voice during their responses, to test their feelings and attitudes about an ad.
Tehnica de cercetare de marketing care analizeaza vocea persoanelor chestionate cu scopul de a afla atitudinile si sentimentele pe care le au vizavi de o reclama.
71. Voiceover (VO)
The technique of using the voice of an unseen speaker during film, slides, or other voice material.
Suprapunerea unei voci pe fundalul unui spot publicitar filmat.
72. Waste Circulation
(1) Advertising in an area where the product or service is not available or has no sales potential. (2) Persons in an advertiser’s audience who are not potential consumers.
(1) advertising intr-o zona in care produsul nu este disponobil sau unde nu are potential de vanzare. (2) Persoane din audienta care nu pot fi potentiali consumatori.
73. Wear Out
The point reached when an advertising campaign loses it’s effectiveness due to repeated overplay of ads.
Descrie momentul in care eficacitatea unei campanii se diminueaza datorita expunerii prelungite sau supra-expunerea aceleiasi reclame.
74. Wipe
A transition of scenes in a visual production where one image appears to wipe the previous one from the screen.
Tranzitie de scene intr-o productie vizuala in care o imagine apare pentru a o sterge pe cea de dinainte de pe ecran.
75. Cut-in
1. (broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a network program) 2. film a still picture that is introduced and that interrupts the action of a film)
76. Pre-emption
The substitution of one advertiser’s local TV commercial by another advertiser paying a higher price for the spot, or by a different program of interest.
77. Overnight
Audience data provided by Nielsen or Arbitron to metered market clients the day after the broadcast.
78. Simulcast
A broadcast that is carried simultaneously by radio and television (or by FM and AM radio)
79. Strip
Futures and options trading: Triple-option contract consisting of one call option and two put options at the same exercise price and expiration date, and for the same underlying asset. (Stripping – Positioning film negatives or positives of copy and illustrations for the purpose of creating a printing plate for that ad or page. Also referred to as image assembly.
80. Total Audience Plan (TAP)
An advertising schedule that places ads in a pattern that utilizes all station dayparts for maximum station audience exposure.
81. Turnover
The rate of audience change for a specific program during a specific amount of time.
82. Up-front (Buys)
The purchasing of both broadcast and print early in the buying season.
83. (Right) First Refusal
Contractual right under which a seller must give a party (such as a partner) an opportunity to match (within a specified timeframe) a price at which a third party agrees to buy a specified asset (such as a certain number of shares), on the same terms offered to the third party. Compare with preemption right.
An advertising term referring to a high concentration of advertising for a short period of time in a media schedule.
85. Hiatus
A period during a campaign when an advertiser’s schedule is suspended for a time, after which it resumes, as seen in a burst laydown pattern for example (see Burst Campaign).
86. Make Good
(1) To present a commercial announcement after it ”s scheduled time because of an error. (2) To rerun a commercial announcement because of technical difficulties the previous time it was run. (3) To rerun a print advertisement due to similar circumstances.
87. Per Inquiry
An agreement between a media representative and an advertiser in which all advertising fees are paid based on a percentage of all money received from an advertiser’s sales or inquires.
88. Roll Over
An advertising technique where advertising is expanded to cover more and more markets as distribution/ product sales are also expanded.
89. Short rate
The cost difference between the discounted contract rate and the higher rate actually earned by an advertiser if he fails to fulfill the contracted amount of advertising.
90. Answer Print
The final edited version (print) of a television commercial, for approval by the client. It may still need color correction, etc.
91. Back To Back
Running more than one commercial, with one following immediately after another.
92. Blow-in Card
An advertisement, subscription request, or other printed card “blown” into a print publication rather than bound into it.
93. Bridge
Transition from one scene to another, in a commercial or program.
94. Broadside
A promotion that is printed on a single large sheet of paper, usually on only one side of the paper, as opposed to a tabloid or other off-size newspaper.
95. Bulldog Edition
An edition of a print publication that is available earlier than other editions. Usually, this is the early edition of a large circulation newspaper.
96. Competitive Parity
A method of determining an advertising budget, designed to maintain the current “share of voice.”
97. Controlled (Qualified) Circulation
Publications, generally business-oriented, that are delivered only to readers who have some special qualifications. Generally, publications are free to the qualified recipients.
98. Crop Marks
Marks to indicate which portions a photograph or illustration are to be used, and which are to be eliminated.
99. Dissolve
Fading from one scene to another in a film or television production.
100. Facings
Refers to the number of billboards used for an advertisement.
101. Fixed-sum-per-unit Method
A method of determining an advertising budget, which is based directly on the number of units sold.
102. Galley Proof
A typeset copy of an ad or editorial material, before it is made into pages for final production.
103. Grid Card
A broadcast media rate card that lists rates on a grid, according to the time periods that might be selected for the ad.
104. Gutter
The inside margins of two pages that face each other in a print publication.
105. Horizontal Discount
A discount on a media purchase resulting from a promise to advertise over an extended period of time.
106. Vertical Discount
A reduced rate offered to advertisers who purchase airtime on a broadcast medium for a limited amount of time, e.g., one week.
107. Holdover Audience
The percent of a program’s audience that watched or listened to the immediately preceding program on the same station. Also called Inherited audience (see below).
108. Horizontal Publications
Business publications designed to appeal to people of similar interests or responsibilities in a variety of companies or industries.
109. House Organ
A publication owned and operated by an advertiser, and used to promote the advertiser’s products or services.
110. Island Display
An in-store product display situated away from competing products, typically in the middle or at the end of an aisle.
111. Jumble Display
A mixture of products or brands on a single display, such as a clearance table.
112. Letterpress
A printing method that stamps ink onto paper, using raised lettering.
113. Local Rate
An advertising rate charged to a local advertiser , typically a retailer, by local media and publications, as distinguished from a national rate that is charged to a national advertiser, typically a manufacturer.
114. Master Tape
An edited audio tape or video tape to be recorded on quantity prints or dubs.
115. Matte Shot
A camera shot made with a matte or mask in part of the frame to allow another shot to be printed in the opaque area.
116. Milline Rate
Used to determine the cost effectiveness of advertising in a newspaper; reached by multiplying the cost per agate line by one million, then dividing by the circulation. Also referred to as Milline.
117. Narrowcasting
Using a broadcast medium to appeal to audiences with special interests. For example, the “All Knitting Station” would be a narrowcast, because it appeals to an audience with a specific interest.
118. On-air Tests
Tests recall among viewers of a commercial or program during a real broadcast of the tested communication.
119. Photoboards
A set of still photographs made from a television commercial, accompanied with a script, to be kept as records by an agency or client.
120. Picture Window
An ad layout in which the picture is placed at the top of the page, and the copy is placed below.
121. Preemptible Rate
A usually discounted rate for commercial time which is sold to an advertiser and is not guaranteed. Time may be sold to another advertiser who is willing to pay more; therefore, the advertiser buying this rate gambles to save money on the spot.
122. Residuals
A sum paid to a performer on a TV or radio commercial each time it is run, and is usually established by AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) or SAG (Screen Actors Guild) contract.
123. Romance Card
Written material that accompanies an advertising specialty, providing information about the product and its background.
124. Rough Cut
A preliminary arrangement of film or tape shots that are roughly edited together without voice-over or music to serve purpose in the early stages of editing.
125. Scene Setting
The process of using realistic sounds to stimulate noise in backgrounds during radio production such as car horns, sirens, recorded laughter, etc.
126. Self-mailer
A direct-mail piece in which no envelope or wrapper is required for mailing.
127. Shelf Screamers (shelf talkers)
A printed advertising message which is hung over the edge of a retail store shelf, e.g. “On Special,” or “Sale item.”
128. Step-and-repeat
A single image printed repeatedly in a pattern on a single sheet of paper.
129. Thumbnail
A rough, simple, often small sketch used to show the basic layout of an ad.
130. Trim Size
A size of a magazine or newspaper page after trimming.
131. Velox
A type of paper used for it’s superior reproduction qualities.
132. Word Painting
A technique used in the radio broadcast industry that uses highly descriptive words to evoke images in reading material as an attempt to place the listener into the scene.
133. Broadcast calendar
Standardized calendar used primarily for the planning and purchase of radio and television programs and advertising. Every week in the broadcast calendar starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday, and every month has either four or five such weeks. Broadcast calendar months thus have either 28 or 35 days.
134. Spill-In
The amount of programming viewed within a market area to stations that are licensed to an adjacent market.
135. Spill-Out
The amount of viewing to local stations outside the home market area.
136. Adjacencies
Time periods immediately before and after a television program, normally used as a commercial break between programs.
137. Blueline
A blue line drawn on a mechanical to indicate where a page will be cut.
138. Chain Break
A pause for station identification, and commercials, during a network telecast.
139. Closing Date
The day final copy and other materials must be at the vehicle in order to appear in a specific issue or time slot.
140. Corrective Advertising
Advertisements or messages within advertisements, that the Federal Trade Commission orders a company to run, for the purpose of correcting consumers’ mistaken impressions created by prior advertising.
141. Envelope Stuffer
A direct mail advertisement included with another mailed message (such as a bill).
142. Flighting
A media schedule that involves more advertising at certain times and less advertising during other time periods.
143. Participation
1) Announcements made inside the context of a program as opposed to those shown during station breaks. (2) An announcement or amount of broadcasting time which is shared by several advertisers.
144. Air date
The first broadcast of a commercial; also refers to the exact date of a particular TV or radio program
145. Bonus spot
Additional TV or radio spot provided to an advertiser at no charge to raise the overall audience delivery of the schedule.
146. Break position
A broadcast commercial aired between two programs instead of in the middle of one program.
147. Fixed positions
Matching advertising or marketing claims to the consumer’s prior knowledge or experience so that a product or service will fit within a prospective buyer’s thought patterns. For example, when General Electric attempted to get into the mainframe computer business, it told prospective buyers that its computers were better than those of IBM. However, the buying public did not believe General Electric because IBM enjoyed a fixed position in the prospective mainframe computer buyers’ minds.
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